20/2/2014 @ 9.30am – 3pm Nutritionist EARLE LOGAN from A. Vogel

We are very excited to announce that we will have Earle Logan, a nutritionist from the leading herbal remedies company A.Vogel, paying a visit to our store on Thursday 20th February. This is a great opportunity to ask for advice on joint care and any other nutritional questions you may have. Alfred Vogel was a […]

Coming soon… Exhibition by Dixey Brooks & Ian Cameron Watson

Coming soon… Exhibition by Dixey Brooks & Ian Cameron Watson

It’s time again to refresh the eyes with a new vista of paintings in our Cafe. So, on 11th January we will be host to the works of Dixey Brooks in collaboration with Ian Cameron Watson. We have previously had an exhibition by Dixey, so all of you regulars will know of her works, and […]

Last orders?

Last orders?

So, the last of our deliveries are in for the Christmas season. So, what we’ve got now is all we’re gonna be able to get before the holiday starts. So, if you want that last special item for your Xmas festivities, or a couple of more gifts for people get in here before it all […]

The Blog is Go!

The Blog is Go!

Hey everyone, we have a blog! Yes, as an extension to our online store mulberrywholefoods.co.uk we have decided to give you the latest happening news in blog format too! We’ll be keeping you up to date with the latest events, exhibitions and product news from here. Maybe even some recipes and health tips too…